Energy analysis (comparative analysis, energy use analysis)
Guidelines for consideration of requirements from construction-physics
Analysis of details of construction physics (CP)
Preparation of an energy solution in the field of CP / elimination of existing “faults” according to CP
Project assignment
Processing details of construction physics
Architectural support (construction details, details of regulation and lighting regulation) and consulting
Engineering support and consulting
Design of energy sources
Conceptual design of machinery installation elements
Conceptual design of building automation elements
Synchronisation of architectural and installation details
Calculation of annual/summer gains according to VDI2078
Calculation of winter losses according to EN12831
Defining the need for space heating and cooling
Technical calculations and dimensioning of heating and cooling elements
Planning of the heating and cooling system
Calculation of air requirements
Systems of recuperation and energy regeneration from waste air from air conditioners
Planning thermodynamic air conversions
Dimensioning of functioning groups for air conditioning and ventilation systems
Drawing h, x diagrams of air conversions
Designing air distribution according to spaces
Planning air distribution according to spaces
Individual specification of combined hybrid cooling-heating machines for cooling water preparation
Conceptual project preparation for using residual condensation heat
Conceptual project preparation for cooling water distribution
Planning the main distribution system for cooling water
Conceptual project preparation of district-heating
Conceptual project preparation for heated water distribution
Planning the main distribution system for heated water
Preparation of energy scheme
Recovery of geothermal energy
Recovery of RES (renewable energy sources)
Planning the thermal activation of the building’s construction (with radiation effect)
Control and regulation of systems for the preparation of cooling and thermal energy
Regulation of basic branches at heating water distribution
Regulation of basic branches at cooling water distribution
Regulation of individual ventilation fans
Regulation of hot household water preparation
Controlling of the legionella protection system
Control and regulation of inner lighting
Control and regulation of external lighting
Regulation of shading elements
Preparation of a readable scheme with equipment specification
Preparation of controlling plans
Izvedba CNS Implementation of BMS of individual facilities as sub-projects
Defining range and functions of individual BMS components CNS
Systems, able to be connected into the BMS of the CNS entire facility
Connection structure of all energy installation with and alpha num. display of screenshot drafts
Remote “quick assistance”
Real-time notifications (e-mail, text)
System specification
Individual adaptation of devices + system according to the building’s needs
Instructions on system maintenance and use
Staff training for system operation
Elimination of malfunctions during the warranty period