Hotel ventilation
Hotel ventilation should be regarded as part of an integral hotel energy solution. The requirements of individual rooms must be carefully examined – reception, kitchen, dining room, swiiming pool and hotel rooms – and the ventilation, heating and cooling requirements of the hotel precisely dimensioned. The key factor: the hotel energy should not be over-dimensioned, as this can unnecessarily generate a (too) high investment and monthly costs for the hotel manager. It is also important not to under-dimension the hotel energy, as this can reduce room comfort. This can cause room conditions to become either too hot during summer or too cold during winter, or failure to supply fresh air into the rooms… All this affects the satisfaction of guests and impacts their hotel evaluation as well as their decision whether to return to the hotel or choose a different one.
Hotel room ventilation greatly impacts the comfort of guests – especially in the higher category hotels. Malodourless rooms with a constant supply of fresh air can be made affordable through proper planning. The Menerga company will show you how to save the maximum amount of energy through hotel room ventilation.
Suitable devices: Trisolair 52/89 | Adsolair 56/58 | Sorpsolair 72/73 | Adconair 76 | KV sistem 77| RewaTemp | ThermoCond 38 in ThermoCond 39